

Welcome to Purplemoors Gundogs,

Purplemoors.....a name that refers to the place where we live, in the heart of the province of Belgian Limburg, in the middle of nature. 

We are a small-scale kennel of Field Trial Labradors.
These are Labradors that are still used and bred for the purpose they were actually intended for, retrieving.
These Labradors are characterized by their athletic build, speed, directability and their great will to please. 
Filip and I currently have 5 Labradors and a Border Terrier that together represent 2 kennels. Purplemoors (Kristie Deckers) and Starcreek Gundogs (Filip Bollen).

Kristie & Filip

Dob 27/03/2020

Starcreek Stella

Dob 11/07/2019

Dob 01/05/2023

Dob 11/07/23

Dogs do not fail.
They perform as trained.
Dogs 'fail' when we ask them to perform that for which we have not adequately prepared them.  

Het uitgangspunt om samen met je hond een goed team te worden is een portie 'will to learn' van de voorjager en een goede portie "will to please" van de hond.

Met dit alles in het achterhoofd geven we regelmatig trainingen waarbij we trachten op te bouwen naar een succesvolle samenwerking tussen hond en voorjager en/of de samenwerking en kennis te verfijnen.

Met jonge honden, onervaren voorjagers of in geval van probleemsituaties werken we graag (een tijdje) individueel zodoende dat er op een rustige manier kan worden getraind en men zo op termijn naadloos kan aansluiten bij groepstrainingen.

Groepstrainingen kunnen per halve (3 uur) of hele dag (2 x 3 uur) geboekt worden.

Training met Filip Bollen

28 september "24

The puppies are born

Op 14 juni '24 werden 8 gezonde puppies geboren. Moeder : FTW Go Lou Arlet Star Vader : FTW Blackthorn Booster

Lou is happily expecting!

Pedigree of the puppies, see 'more information'.

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We are going to the IWT in Germany :-)

We will be there for the fourth year in a row :-) Hans Maes with Little Game Hunter VIP (son of Harry) Bart Vangoidsenhoven with Int/Be FTCH Rocket Star Quality Time Kristie Deckers with Int/Cz FTCH Kensteen Rocket (aka Harry) Filip Bollen as a team captain, inspirer, motivator and trainer.

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Team Belgium finishes in 2nd place on the IWT Sweden 2023

The IWT (International Working Test) took place in Sweden on 10 and 11 June. An event where Europe's best handlers and dogs compete for the title on challenging grounds. The Belgian team consisting of Fons Exelmans, Pieter Viviijs and myself (Kristie Deckers) defended our title 2022. The first day we entered the day with some difficulties, we lost too many points here and there and ended day 1 on the 8th place. The fighting spirit of us Belgians took the upper hand on Sunday and we made a great come-back. We were better in the game and that was reflected on the scoreboard. From place 8 we managed to move up to the 2nd place on the podium....2 points less than the winner Denmark. What a thriller, what a fighting spirit, what a team, but without our talented four-legged friends, we would never have succeeded. A look back at 3 years of IWT: 2021 Hungary : Kristie Deckers, Fons Exelmans, Stef Bollen ; 2nd place 2022 Austria : Kristie Deckers, Fons Exelmans, Pieter Viviijs ; 1st place 2023 Sweden : Kristie Deckers, Fons Exelmans, Pieter Viviijs ; 2nd place

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Harry is now officially CZECH FIELD TRIAL CHAMPION

It took a while, but after more than a year we finally received the official certificate. From now on our ginger one is officially INT/CZ FTCH

Lou wins the trophy of best Labrador under 3 years old : FT season 2022-2023

The puppies of Go Lou Arlet Star X FTW Brindlebay Annet were born on May 1 '23

Pedigree of the puppies : https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1291991

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Border Terrier Pups from Starcreek Stella X Newton van Den Balkendreef

Dob 14/02/2023 All puppies have gone to their new homes.

Belgium wins the IWT in Austria 2022

Team : Kristie Deckers Pieter Viviijs Fons Exelmans

Belgian Team finishes 2nd at IWT in Hungary 2021

Team Kristie Deckers Fons Exelmans Stef Bollen

Expected litter 2024

We are planning a litter with Go Lou Arlet Star in the spring of 2024. Contact us for more information.

Starcreek Gundogs

Filip and Stef Bollen run the Starcreek kennel where passion, hunting, knowledge and Retrievers meet.